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Message from the Founders
Building Oasis is a fulltime job for us. We live, eat, breathe this project. If you would like to see us continue to dedicate our time to this project, this is the perfect place to show us support. We plan to introduce additional products down the road encompassing products beyond the FiveM server. We wouldn't be here without you and we know that. We understand not everyone can support us financially. There's nothing wrong with that and we appreciate you just being a part of our community. 

Any purchases made here are specifically paying for our time and dedication to the project. The benefits that you get in return for the money you spend here are simply an incentive for supporting Oasis. As such we do not honor any refunds.

I just purchased BeachBucks, now what?
Once you make a purchase, you will receive an email with a tbx-id.  You can redeem your BB purchase via "/redeem tbx-id" in-city.

Regarding Monthly Renewals (Priority Queue/Community Supporter)
If you upgrade/downgrade from one level to another, you need to MANUALLY cancel your subscription here, by submitting the email associated with your account. Tebex will email you your payment history, you then select subscriptions and cancel the one you are moving out of.

Subscriptions are your responsibility to manage and any refund or cancellation requests will be handled in accordance with Tebex Limited Terms & Conditions.

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