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We are a community with the goal of building a non-toxic environment in which gamers can play together and build lasting relationships with each other.  We started in FiveM with OasisRP and we are looking to cover more games to offer our community more opportunities to take part in exciting new things! OasisRP IS NOT APPROVED, SPONSORED, OR ENDORSED BY ROCKSTAR GAMES.

Refund Policy
We do not offer any refunds for money contributed to Oasis and its community. All money is viewed as a contribution to aid in the growth, development, and maintenance of the community and its gameservers. Benefits are distributed in return for contributions via a redeemable Tebex id code sent to the patron via email.

This Tebex Id may be redeemed in the gameserver for benefits/content. Refunds are not offered for users whom are banned from the community for, but not limited to: violating community guidelines, modding/hacking within the gameservers, or soliciting for other communities with Oasis.

Users may open a ticket for support at https://discord.gg/OasisHub or submit an email to [email protected].

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